Truth & Transcendence

Ep 194: Randy Adkins ~ Inner Peace & Living with Purpose

Season 7 Episode 194

How does one truly live with purpose and intention? Join us as we embark on a thought-provoking journey with Randy Adkins, an ordained Baptist minister and community influencer, who unpacks the concept of "Produce On Purpose." Through insightful discussions, Randy uses the metaphor of a seed blossoming into a flower to illustrate how living intentionally and understanding our unique purpose can transform our lives. Discover how to align your life experiences with your inherent purpose, creating joy, love, peace, and excitement from within, regardless of the chaos outside. Randy shares wisdom from his book and podcast, both with the same title, promising a roadmap to a more fulfilling life.

In our heartfelt conversation, Randy opens up about a personal tragedy—the loss of his younger brother—that catalysed his mission to inspire others. Through meditation, prayer, and the power of authenticity, we explore how navigating grief can ignite a deeper calling. This episode encourages listeners to shed societal pressures and embrace their true selves, like movie producers crafting their own life stories. From purposeful leadership to connecting with others authentically, Randy's experiences and insights offer a powerful message: by living with intention, in alignment with our spiritual purpose, we can make meaningful contributions and inspire those around us. Tune in and see how living purposefully and in alignment can impact your world positively and profoundly.

Find Randy here:
Podcast: Produce on purpose
Book: Produce on Purpose available on Amazon

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Speaker 1:

Truth and Transcendence brought to you by being Space with Katherine Llewellyn. Truth and Transcendence, episode 194, with special guest Randy Adkins. Now Randy's here today to talk about produce on purpose, and if you think you know what that means, unless you know Randy, you don't know what he means by that, and he has a very well-developed and grounded relationship with this particular phrase which we're going to talk about Now. Right up front, I'm going to let you know how to find Randy, which is at randyadkinsjrcom, so that's where you can find him. Randy is a Lowcountry native of South Carolina. He's an ordained Baptist minister, a community leader, an extinguished toastmaster, a podcaster and a corporate consultant, so quite a mixed and interwoven collection of disciplines. There I will also drop in right before we get into the conversation.

Speaker 1:

This is the last Truth and Transcendence episode of 2024. This year, unusually, I've decided to have the podcast take a break for two weeks over Christmas. It feels like the right thing to do, and partly because I feel like we've got an endemic at the moment of people keeping going at all costs, come what may, come hell and high water, and so I just felt like representing the idea of taking a couple of weeks break of the podcast. So it returns in January. So, randy, thank you so much indeed for coming on the show.

Speaker 2:

Katherine, thank you for having me on the show. I'm excited about the conversation that we're going to have today in the thick of what you're doing.

Speaker 1:

You're very present in what you're doing. You've got these fantastic videos on Instagram that I've seen. Your podcast is a lot of fun, so really good to have you. Would you like to kick off by telling us a little bit about Produce On Purpose, what that means?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, produce On Purpose. Is it generated from people coming to me, definitely as an ordained minister, in different the different disciplines that you described, and they said I just don't like waking up in the morning, I don't like life and what's going on. I'm not happy and I'm like, well, but that can't be what life should be about. I believe that life should be about joy, love, peace and excitement. How can I share that message? Because I've seen it written in scriptures, I've seen it in my life and how I've been able to communicate and relate with others.

Speaker 2:

How can I share this message with as many people that you can have joy, you can have peace, you can have excitement, regardless of your external circumstances?

Speaker 2:

Oh, what do you mean by that? If I look outside and I see all of the things that are going on and it's raining outside, that shouldn't affect the way that I feel. Or if I look at my bank account and it doesn't have what I want in it, that shouldn't affect how I feel or my body or something's going on at this moment. What I should be able to do is actually work from the inside out and if you get your purpose right, then you can produce this joy, this love, this peace, this excitement if you are working from the inside out versus the outside in, and so I wrote a book called Produce On Purpose Experience Life being the Real. You and I also have a podcast called Produce On Purpose, where we share this message that you can continue to have that every single day that you wake up, and I am one that says you can apply this in your life and you can continue to understand how we're supposed to live and who we are about and our unique designs, what you were created to do and be.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I love that, so right. So when you say, when you say produce, you're saying, uh, that you, you get connected with your purpose and then you produce the experience that you want. Is that essentially what you're saying?

Speaker 2:

That is exactly it, yeah, and it's interesting, it's like a seed. If I understand who I am and my purpose, that seed can then have the nourishment it can grow into what it needs to be, and you then get to do it with intention. Many of us are going through life and going through our days and we're allowing everything to kind of toss us around. But if you are intentional, that I do want to experience this great happiness when I meet someone or have a relationship or find something happening in my life, I want to have that every single day. So you start off with that intention and start off with your purpose, and then you can then produce out of that, and so that is exactly what we're talking about. If you have that seed, that seed can then grow and flourish and become that beautiful flower that you intended to be.

Speaker 1:

Right, okay, so it's like a combination of knowing what your purpose is and then having the intention to have the experience of life that you want to have, in alignment with the purpose that you've identified.

Speaker 2:

Ah, yes, and think about this. I think about purpose as being you understanding what you were created for, and many of us. We may not have figured it out quite yet, but that's part of our journey is that, as we are going through this journey, we are supposed to be figuring out what's our purpose. And so I describe purpose in two areas a specific purpose and a general purpose. What's the general purpose? The general purpose is God, or your source, or the universe or nature, whatever you may call it. I call it God, and God has developed and designed me in a particular way. It's not like anyone else. It's very unique to who I am.

Speaker 2:

An example I love to give is I go in my kitchen. I have a dishwasher, I have an oven, I have a refrigerator. If I want to cook a ham, I do not take a ham and put it in the dishwasher, because the dishwasher was manufactured and the intent was that the dishwasher is to wash dishes. Some of us are trying to be a dishwasher but cook a ham, and that's just not going to work very well. That's a fantastic way of doing it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to be in the wrong place.

Speaker 2:

If I want to cook a ham, I want to be the oven, and if you understand your unique design, then you understand that part of my purpose is to please my creator and my creator being God God is love then I'm going to express and produce love in what I do, and so that's that general purpose. The unique and specific purpose that you have is your gifting, and what were you born with that makes it easy for you in life? What do you do that no one else, everyone else, may not do as easy as you do. They say, oh wow, you are able to pick that out for someone, you're able to understand the need, you're able to smile in the midst of adversity. Sometimes those are gifts that we're given and everyone cannot do it as easily as you. And once you start to understand the general purpose and the specific purpose that you have, then you start to understand your purpose and what you are supposed to do. Based off of that, then you can produce what you intend to produce every single day.

Speaker 1:

Okay, right, the difference between the general one of what you were designed to do and the gift, which is what you find easiest to do. How do I know the difference between those two things? Let's say I'm the person who's seeking to understand my purpose better. How do I understand the distinction between am I a washing machine or a dishwasher? And then what my gift might be?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So the way to do that is really consistently understanding. Number one the indicators that we have are our emotions. It's the feeling, and many people are being driven by their feelings versus them, using the feelings more as an indicator that something may be right or it may be wrong based on you. It may be wrong based on you If you understand that your emotions are just indicating that something needs some attention, just like when I'm in my car. I have gauges in my car and it doesn't mean that I have to do something about it at that moment, but I do need to know. If it says check the engine, I probably should check the engine pretty quickly, but if it's just telling me that the gas is low, I might have some time. And so emotions are these indicators that we have in our life and what they do if we want to understand our purpose in a greater way.

Speaker 2:

When you are pleasing your creator, you will have a fulfillment in what you're doing and how you are making a way. When you're looking for your specific gifting, it is helpful to have those that are around you that support you, that can tell you man, you do that really easily. I don't understand how you're able to. One of my gifts is to take something that is very complex and break it down and make it digestible for other people to understand. I'm a teacher at heart and so I do that very easily and I've been told that and I love doing it because it gives me great joy.

Speaker 2:

You have something like that in your life, whatever it is. That's what you want to focus on. Is that's what you want to focus on? And then, when you're in alignment with what you were created to do in your general purpose, you're going to get great fulfillment in your service and how you serve others and how you are communicating and relating to others, because that is going to be that foundational piece. Now, as the dishwasher, you know your intent is to wash dishes and that there is no need for me to try to be where there is ham. I will allow someone else to take care of that and I will be able to work based on my design, and then I'm gifted at it because it's easy for me to wash dishes instead of trying to cook a ham.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fantastic, I love that. So another way I'm hearing this is a bit like the distinction between what am I here to do and what are the amazing ways of doing it that I'm capable of do that?

Speaker 2:

How can it be expressed? And I believe that one of the things to remember in life is that we have seasons, and so in different seasons your same gifting what you were born to do will be expressed differently. That's why there are times in our lives where maybe I think about my life and I got married to my wife and then we had children, and during those times you're going to express your gifting in a different way, and now we're in a place where almost all of our children are adults. So then our gifting is going to change based on all of that that's happening in my life. Now I took family and I did that.

Speaker 2:

You can do the same thing with your vocation. Maybe at some point in time in your life you are focused on a particular vocation, but by the time in a different season of your life, the same expression of your gifting comes out a different way in a different vocation. Some people say they retire. I don't think we none of us ever really retire. When it comes down to it, you just change what you do and how you do it, and whether or not you're getting a paycheck for it or how you're doing that. You're just expressing that in a new way and in a different way, and when you understand that the being of who you are will inform the doing as you move forward, instead of your doing informing your being.

Speaker 1:

Ah, yes, Do you know, I feel like this is the sort of thing and I guess that this is what actually happens. I feel like this is the sort of topic that somebody could actually contemplate and work with for years and just keep reflecting on. I mean, do you find that people keep coming back and looking at this again with you and going deeper and broader and different tangents on it?

Speaker 2:

This is definitely a journey and it never stops. It's interesting because I laugh all the time. We have these great GPSs in our phones and our phones love to tell us that you have arrived. We never arrive on this journey. This journey is something where we are consistently recreating and understanding and learning. So there are people that are coming all the time, and here's one of the practical applications that I share in the book of.

Speaker 2:

One of the things that we should all do, and I encourage you to do, is to journal. What do I mean by journal? Well, every day, think about writing down what are some of the intended things that you would like to happen in your life. What would you like to have happen? I would like to be able to go on a trip to wherever. I want to make sure that I am excited, happy and joyful on a consistent basis. I want to, you know, you put down those items into your journal. Then what you want to do is, also in your journal, write down every day, and maybe at the end of the day, what are some of the things that have happened in your life in that day that you're grateful for, that you're thankful for, and, as time goes on. If you look at the list of what you intended and you look at the things that you're grateful for, what you will start to find is, over time there will be alignment with that and over time that you will find out more about yourself.

Speaker 2:

So the other thing is not just journaling, but I also say sit down in what I call meditation or in prayer. So in prayer I kind of split them out into different things. Prayer is us having a communication and understanding what our intent is. The meditation is listening to yourself, listening to that heart, listening to what you were actually born and designed to do, and when you begin to hear that, that will inform some more of your intentions in life and over time you will find that your intentions will change and you will find also the more things that you're grateful for, that your life begins to change over time and it's definitely not a sprint, but it is a marathon, it is a journey and it is a transformative journey that we can all go on. And it's so much better when you are doing it with intention than just allowing the cares of this world to be the thing that drive what you're doing and how you're doing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, amen to that. What you're doing and how you're doing it, yeah, Amen to that. So I'm really curious now, Randy, because when you were first born they didn't hold you up and go hey, it's a minister. You've evolved over time. If you think back, can you remember the first time that you really started connecting with some of these very powerful essences around Produce On Purpose that you're very connected with now?

Speaker 2:

I will take a defining moment of my life where I feel that it was a culmination that brought me to this place, to become closer to where I'm at and wanting to produce on purpose and with purpose and, you know, continuing to share that. It was back now, almost almost 20 years my younger brother. He was in a fatal car accident. That completely ripped me up because he was my younger brother. I watched him grow up. He sometimes would sleep in my bed and as we were growing up, we got to know each other really well and he was 19 years old when this happened. As we were growing up, we got to know each other really well and he was 19 years old when this happened. The issue for me at the time was I'm like, well, wow, why did this happen? How could this occur in my life? And I felt shattered at the moment and many, I think, go through this and especially with grief. I was shocked. First of all, I didn't understand what that meant in my life now that my younger brother was no longer here, and I always wondered. I was like is he just going to walk back through the door? Maybe that's what's going to happen, but none of those things occurred. But what happened was six months after the fatal car accident. It was around Christmas time and my mother brought a letter I have the letter to this day that she found on her computer and the letter was from my brother and it was about me. And I had many conversations with my brother over time and I never thought he was listening, I never thought he heard me. But from that letter he began to share how proud he was of me. He shared what he thought about the things I had shared with him and all of the information that had helped him along the journey that I had done. I was like, oh, I'm supposed to share a message with anyone that I meet, and sometimes it may not look like I'm getting to anyone, it may not look like I'm actually putting it out and somebody is responding. But even in the midst of that, I now know if I share that message and I will continue to share that message I'm going to share it because that is what I'm here for. I'm here to share it, I'm here to pass it along. I may not know the impact of what's going on, but I'm going to share it and that was the impetus of me even going into ministry, growing closer to God in that place. I want to say it was a couple of years later. I was in ministry, ended up in ministry, sharing, teaching because that is a drive for me and then produce on purpose over years of time and sharing. Great information and joy was also birthed out of it and I will continue to share this message through writing, teaching, podcasting.

Speaker 2:

Any way that I can is to touch someone to let them know that their life can be better, can be transformed, and that was the defining moment in my life. And sometimes I think it's just we have these situations in our lives and some people say it's the dark night of the soul. Some people call it you know, I call it in the book, I call it a midnight situation. It's kind of like you're in a space where it's not no longer night but it's not day yet, and you're kind of in between and you don't understand really what life is about. Don't understand really what life is about. I'm here to encourage that. The message is that you do have a purpose. We need you, we need your design, we need you to produce on your purpose, on a consistent basis, and that's where it really the genesis came from for me to share this message in multiple formats to as many people as I can.

Speaker 1:

Wow, well, blessings on your brother. I mean fantastic Because he was 19,. You said 19 years old, yeah, so that's pretty cool that at that age he actually thought to write that letter and leave it there. That's quite fantastic. What a beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that. That's so beautiful and very, very moving. I love that, and so you just took that as your affirmation of who you are, and to go out there and teach, amazing yes.

Speaker 1:

Well, that leads beautifully to my next question, actually, randy, which is I think we can agree there's a lot going on in the world at the moment yes interesting times, right and um, you know everyone's got their own opinion about what is happening, what should be happening, what shouldn't be happening, what should be done about it, what absolutely should not be done about it, whether anything should be done about it.

Speaker 1:

You know, everyone's got done about it, everyone's got their own opinions about that, and in amongst that there are a lot of people in leadership positions of one sort or another, whether it's like a religious leadership, like yourself, or community leadership, also like yourself, or business leadership, political community, whatever it might be. And I like to think most of those people are trying to be part of the solution, trying to be helpful, and this podcast tends to attract those sorts of people because they tend to be inquiring, open, curious, generous-hearted people, right, and this podcast encourages that in people. So some of those people are listening to us right this minute as we're talking. Is there something you'd like to say to those people in leadership positions? Some of them are just trying to be good leaders in their own lives and we're trying to be part of the solution in relation to what we've been talking about today.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I have quite a bit to share with our leaders and share with those that are out there. What I will share is, really, we have to have an understanding of who we are in this world. So one of the things that I talk about in the Produce On Purpose book is it's tempting, as leaders, to show up as we believe others want us to show up. It's tempting to show up in a crowd and try to what I call put on a mask, to share what we think everyone thinks we are to look like, and my encouragement to everyone is to become authentically who you are. What do I mean by that? I like to provide an analogy of the great actors and actresses of the world. There are actors and actresses in this world and they're on the big screen. So, leaders, you're often put out front and the actors and actresses get accolades for how well they act. And the reason I talk about masks in the book because the Greeks, when they would act, they would put on masks. That way you knew they were acting at the time. Well, a lot of times what we do is we put on invisible masks. We mask our emotions, we mask who we think we are, we mask what we say, and my encouragement is to start to break down those masks. How do you do that? Well, instead of being actors and actresses out in front, you say, well, maybe I'm making a movie about my life, and if your movie is your life, then what we want you to do is not to act on somebody else's script. Actors and actresses work and they act on someone else's script. What if you could be the one that created your script? But not only created the script, but what if you could be the one that actually made the script work? Well then you say maybe I'm the director, I'll direct everything, I can pan in, I can show you the right image at the right time, and it's great you can move to become the director because you can tell the actors and actresses what to do. But my encouragement to all leaders and to everyone is to become a producer, to become a producer of your life. Because when you are the producer, the producer hires the director. The producer hires the actors and actresses. The producer hires the production staff. The producer makes sure that we get through all of the areas of creating that particular movie, of the areas of creating that particular movie, television series, whatever it is of your life, music, whatever it is that you're going to put that together and get all the resources together in your life. And guess what? The producer can't do it by themselves. So we all need someone to help us with the vision that we have for our lives.

Speaker 2:

I have a chapter in the book called Seeds of Vision, and there are two areas in the Seeds of Vision that we have to be careful of, and that's ourselves and that's other people. Sometimes the blockage is ourselves we don't think of ourselves enough and leaders. I encourage leaders to stand up and understand who you are, what you're about and your authenticity, and don't allow other people just because they don't understand the vision. If you have a vision for a podcast, it's your vision, not anyone else. They can't stop you if you understand the vision, if you have a vision for a book, if you have a vision for being able to share information you are able to, can come together in your movie and maybe you'll come together in theirs and help them build their lives as well.

Speaker 2:

And when we do that together, then we are moving in a direction that is authentic and not one that where we just show up and we put on the mask. We show up to the party the way we think we should show up. No, I'm going. We show up to the party the way we think we should show up. No, I'm going to show up authentically. If you find me at home, I'm the same person. If you find me at work, I'm the same person. If you find me in a political realm, I'm the same person. I am then able to not have to juggle masks all the time. Do you know how much energy it takes to juggle all of these masks all the time? There's someone listening that knows what I'm talking about. And now you can, of the things that are happening, be authentic, be who you were born to be and be able to share that with this world consistently. We need you to do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you very much, wonderful. So we've been talking for a while now. We've talked about quite a lot and honestly, I think what you're doing is fascinating. I love the warmth with which you offer it out. There's absolutely no sense of self-judgment or being right or wrong. It's just this beautiful, wholesome, warm sense of you can connect with your purpose. You have a purpose and you can produce your life the way you want it and you can enjoy it. You know, I just love that message Fantastic. And also the fact that you've been working with it for so long means that it's actually real for you. It's not just a great idea.

Speaker 1:

Right, you know because it only works if you actually live. It doesn't it live, it doesn't it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you have to be able to implement this into your life and really enjoy it. And that's when you know that this is real. Then, when you impact people on a consistent basis because it's real, when I wake up in the morning, I'm intentionally excited about what I get to share. I was happy that I was going to be on with Catherine today because I know that I'm going to impact someone and, as we are looking at a new year, as we are looking at the holiday season and everything that is going on, I know that I can get excited about integrating that into my life every day. And what's funny is I've always been curious.

Speaker 2:

I was a curious kid Kind of got me in trouble a little bit when I was a kid. However, being curious about who you are and about your life can be beneficial to saying what is it that I can continue to be and provide in this world? What can I provide, what can I share, what can I give to this world? And I love integrating that into every facet of my life, with my family, with those that I meet. You know, when it comes down to it, what do we have to leave here? What does the legacy look like that we leave here. If the legacy looks like how do I impact those that are around me? It's not about the stuff I get, it's not about all of those. Things will still be here even when I'm gone, but the people that I touch, that's what lives on. And when we do that consistently, through our purpose, through who we are and how we ended up communicating and impacting this world, it changes everything.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you so much. You've actually jumped to what was going to be my final question, which was to leave people with a reflection question over the holiday period, which is I love that. You know what is it I'm going to leave behind. What is it I have to give people, and everyone's going to have a fortnight to reflect on that before I show up again with another episode and another something to reflect on. So, and it's a perfect time for reflection, I think, over the holiday period because there's that space and if you don actually, uh, relate with that space in a meaningful way, you're just going to fill it full of junk yeah, there's plenty of junk to fill it with over the holiday period, frankly.

Speaker 1:

So, um, it's really nice not to do that. So, uh, let's just remind everybody where they can find you, which is randy adkins, and that's Adkins with a D, randy Adkins Jr, and Jr is jrcom. And final question for you, randy, before we wind up. I've so enjoyed this conversation. I could talk to you for hours. Has there been a favorite part of our conversation for you today?

Speaker 2:

I would say the favorite part of the conversation really was focused on. You know I will go back to legacy at this moment. You know what does the end look like for you. How do you see it? I believe it was Stephen Covey in the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. He said begin with the end in mind. What does your legacy look like? When you produce on purpose? What is it going to look like? And you can then take steps back and say you know what?

Speaker 2:

I want my life to be impactful. I want it to change the world that's around me, and when I say the world around you, it's the people that you connect with. Remember that the relationships are the things that are going to matter the most and, as you are doing that consistently, that you'll do that in love. You'll do that without judgment. You'll do that without the guilt and the shame that sometimes drives our behaviors and who we are and what we do and how we actually communicate with others. You will work on yourself, because you know that if I show up as the best version of myself, I'm going to be the most helpful, I'm going to be able to provide the greatest service and I am going to be able to change the world. One person at a time, one moment at a time. As I'm living this life and as we are going through and going into the new year, I would encourage everyone to take that time, do that self-reflection, think about your legacy, think about what you're leaving, think about how you're moving forward.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you so much, Randy. It's been an absolute joy and bless you for doing everything that you are doing. Thanks again for coming on the show.

Speaker 2:

It was great. Thank you, Catherine.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Truth and Transcendence and thank you for supporting the show by rating, reviewing, subscribing, buying me a coffee and telling a friend. If you'd like to know more about my work, you can find out about Transformational Coaching, Pellewa and the Freedom of Spirit workshop on beingspaceworld. Have a wonderful week and I'll see you next time.