Truth & Transcendence

Ep 193: Silence, Love & Holiday Transformation

Season 7 Episode 193

Can you imagine transforming your holiday season into a profound journey of love and connection? Episode 193 of Truth and Transcendence invites you to embrace this possibility by creating spaces of stillness and silence amidst the festive chaos. Drawing inspiration from Enzo Dal Verme's poignant exploration of authenticity and silence in photography, this episode encourages listeners to cultivate true connections with universal love, self-love, and love for others. Discover how dedicating moments for peace and reflection can redefine your celebrations, opening the door to profound spiritual experiences that transcend societal expectations.

As we take a brief hiatus from our usual schedule, we're reminded of the importance of pausing to connect with the spirit within us and the greater spirit that envelops us all. This episode offers a heartfelt invitation to explore the glorious madness of deep love, tapping into the wisdom of Hafiz's evocative poetry, specifically "Sweet Crushed Angel." By setting aside time for inner reflection and connection with others, we prepare the way for a holiday season filled with meaningful encounters and genuine connections, resonating with love and authenticity. Join us in this inspiring conversation as we set the stage for a transformative and love-filled holiday period.

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Truth & Transcendence podcast

Transformational Coaching/Pellowah Attunement Workshop/Freedom of Spirit Workshop

Speaker 1:

Truth and Transcendence brought to you by being Space with Catherine Llewellyn. Truth and Transcendence, episode 193. So last time we talked about deep, deep love and the holiday period and the Christmas period being a perfect opportunity to really dive deep into that, fully open to and foster and nourish our connection with universal love, self-love and love to and for and with and from others. And I wonder if you have an opportunity in the past week to actually look at that in your own life and look to see what could you be setting up so that when you come to whatever celebrations you're having over the holiday period, the Christmas period, you are really welcoming people in to a loving space, you are creating space for yourself, you are activating whatever activations and practices and behaviors and experiences best support you and those you love to have a really deep, expanded, spiritual, personal experience of love and connection with love. And as I sit here talking to you, this is the final Solo Nugget episode of 2024. The next one will be in two weeks time. So there's going to be a two week break. There's a guest episode this Friday and then the guest episode will be back two weeks after that. So there's a clear two weeks of no Truths and Transcendence episodes, and usually I keep going all the way through. I record them earlier and pre-schedule them, but the episodes air all the way through.

Speaker 1:

But this year I felt like it was really important to have a break and I think for me that's because part of what's required to really connect with that deep love experience is space, stillness, silence. If you heard the wonderful episode with Enzo Dalverne recently where he talks about the silence, he's looking for the silence. He's a photographer portrait photographer and as he's photographing people, he's looking for the silence in the middle of that relationship between him and his camera and the person being photographed. And that's where he finds the truth and the authenticity, in that dynamic, Beautiful, beautiful thought. And I think that's true for us as well. In order for us to really connect with the inner spirit of truth and love, we need that space, we need that silence. Now, I know that truth and transcendence, whether that is airing or not during the period, is not going to make a fundamental difference to what happens in your life, but it says assume it doesn't. However, I felt like I wanted to stand for this this year.

Speaker 1:

So, in amongst all the things that you're doing over the period, are you building in plenty of space? Are you building in plenty of space? Are you building in silence and peace? Are you building in opportunities to connect with the universal love, the universal presence of truth and spirit? Whatever you call it, whatever you think God is, Are you making space for that, to connect with that, to honor that, to receive that and to know it as it exists within you and to love that within you and to love all the manifestations of yourself as they are, as they have been and as they will be, and as they may be and as they could be? Are you making space for that and are you allowing yourself to recognize the deep, fundamental, necessary and inevitable connection between that spirit within you and the great spirit that surrounds and holds us all, and are you allowing yourself to experience how that connects and resonates with each and every spirit of every other individual that you meet, Be that a human being, a feline being, a canine being, an aviary being, birds or whatever it might be called a pissine being, if it's a fish.

Speaker 1:

I am going a bit mad now because it's coming up to the Christmas period, so, and as far as as well, I get very blissed out when I'm talking about love, because there's something a bit mad and glorious about deep, deep love. There's something that goes beyond our human ideas of what's right and proper and sensible and appropriate. It goes into a different realm altogether and it does not care. Anyone who's read Hafiz will know Hafiz has no respect for being sensible and proper, and yet the deep, deep love that comes through all of his work is just phenomenal. So if nothing else and over this period, if you can't think of anything else to do, dig out some Hafiz poems, and the one I heartily recommend, if you haven't really read it is called Sweet Crushed Angel and I defy you to read that without bursting into tears. I find it difficult. I've read it so many times to myself and to groups. It's a beautiful, beautiful poem and in fact I'm going to dig it out right now and read it to you. So her thesis beautiful poem. My Sweet Crushed Angel.

Speaker 1:

You have not danced so badly, my dear, trying to hold hands with the beautiful one you have waltzed with great style. My sweet crushed angel, to have ever neared God's heart at all, to have ever neared God's heart at all. Our partner is notoriously difficult to follow, and even his best musicians are not always easy to hear. So what if the music has stopped for a while? So what if the price of admission to the divine is out of reach tonight? So what, my dear, if you do not have the ante to gamble for real love?

Speaker 1:

The mind and the body are famous for holding the heart ransom, but Hafiz knows the Beloved's eternal habits. Have patience, for he will not be able to resist your longing. For long you have not danced so badly, my dear, trying to kiss the beautiful one. You have actually waltzed with tremendous style. Oh my sweet, oh my sweet, crushed angel, sweet, crushed angel. So I wish you a beautiful holiday period filled with love, love with the great spirit, love of yourself and everything about you, and love to, for and with others around you, and I look forward to seeing you again in two weeks' time. Thank you for watching, Thank you for listening and thank you for supporting the show. Thank you for listening to Truth and Transcendence and thank you for supporting the show by rating, reviewing, subscribing, buying me a coffee and telling a friend. If you'd like to know more about my work, you can find out about Transformational Coaching, Pellewa and the Freedom of Spirit workshop on beingspaceworld. Have a wonderful week and I'll see you next time.