Truth & Transcendence

Ep 149: The Hidden Power of Frequency Alignment

Being Space with Catherine Llewellyn Season 6 Episode 149

Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt like you belonged?  Or met someone and immediately sensed a deep connection? We explore the elusive and enchanting world of resonance in our latest episode of 'Truth and Transcendence.' We uncover the magic that transpires when frequencies align, from the seamless blend of a perfect music playlist to the instant camaraderie when encountering a kindred spirit. Tuning into the intricacies of energetic resonance and why it evokes within us a profound sense of home, comfort, and tribal belonging.

Cultural conditioning diminishes our sensitivity to these energy frequencies and the transformative potential that lies in tuning into them. Reflecting on personal stories and insights, we realise the gradual process of resonance and how it strengthens and enriches our relationships over time. This episode is a journey to understanding the deeper, often indescribable connections that animate our lives and foster a sense of unity and adaptability within our human experience. We lift the veil on this mysterious yet fundamentally human concept.

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Speaker 1:

Truth and Transcendence, brought to you by being Space with Catherine Llewellyn. Truth and Transcendence, episode 149. Today I want to talk about resonance. So resonance is where two frequencies find themselves to be complementary. So we have noticed that with music, for example, if you put together a playlist or you're somewhere where someone has put together a playlist, you quickly notice if on-track plays and then the next one jars, it doesn't harmonize with the previous track. And if all the tracks do harmonize with one another and kind of flow from one to the other, you also notice that feeling, because that's a much more pleasant, enjoyable experience, because the frequencies are complementary.

Speaker 1:

Now in music we can actually be crudely in a very basic way. We can actually manage this by, let's say, playing several tracks that are all in the same key, or tracks with similar tempos, or we might vary tempos so it doesn't become boring. But basically what we're doing there is we are matching up frequencies so that they resonate with one another as human beings. There's another kind of resonance that we can experience, which is energetic resonance. So we meet someone. There's an immediate resonance or a resonance that comes about over a period of time where the vibrations are actually harmonizing. So if there's an immediate resonance. It means that you're both vibrating on a similar or complementary frequencies straight away and that immediately feels and the feeling of being at home with that person a kind of familiarity with them, a comfort level with them, perhaps a feeling of safety or security. Sometimes that can actually mean that there are other things in that relationship which may blossom. Sometimes it doesn't, but it's certainly a feeling that actually we mostly tend to enjoy, and I think the reason we tend to enjoy it is because of this tribal thing in our makeup, where when we are in our tribe, that's where we feel safe, that's where our survival feels taken care of. So if we come across somebody with a complementary resonance to ours, we feel they might be a co-member of our tribe. Now they may or may not be, let's say, ideologically, emotionally, morally, ethically, spiritually, physically. There may be many ways in which there is not an equivalence between us. But the energetic resonance is something which is actually very compelling for us and much more enjoyable to begin with than a lack of resonance.

Speaker 1:

A resonance that comes about over a period of time is when we spend a lot of time with somebody and over that period of time our frequencies modify themselves so that there is then a complementarity, and that can happen. I've experienced that myself and I've witnessed it in other people. Sometimes that happens when there's a compelling reason to spend time with that person, whatever that compelling reason may be, and there's a kind of natural process in the human system which does adapt and do what it needs to do to fulfill the requirement of the day. And again, this is another part of our tribal makeup. Someone new joins the tribe. We want them in the tribe because they bring something that the tribe needs. There may not be a resonance immediately, but that resonance can be developed over time. So this is all energetic.

Speaker 1:

This is different from emotional resonance or intellectual resonance. Energetic resonance is at a much deeper level. It's less explainable, and the reason for that is because energy is not definable, or at least not definable in terms that most of us understand. Emotional and intellectual resonance can be explained. So, for example, we have the same point of view about something that's an intellectual or ideological resonance, or we are suffering from similar traumas, or we are motivated by similar things. These are emotional resonances and those are easier for us to understand. They're more obvious to us, and I think one of the reasons for that is that in our particular culture, most of us haven't really spent much time developing our sensitivity to things like energetic resonance. In fact, many of us have actually been encouraged, as we've formed into individuals and into adults, to see that sort of thing as nonsense and dangerous and silly and childish and so on. So we may even have an antipathy to tuning into that sort of thing. So a lack of practice and an antipathy working together can actually reduce our sensitivity quite significantly. But if we imagine being in a culture where the first thing you learn, before you even learn to talk possibly, is to tune into energetic resonance, just think what a different situation we would be in. Personally, I would rather like the thought of that. You may or may not like the thought of that, but what we're sensitive to and what we notice consciously is very much a product of what we are encouraged to learn to notice and what we're encouraged to speak about and to actually value as we go through life. It doesn't mean that the inherent receptors and sensitivities and capacities are not there. They are.

Speaker 1:

We all have the capacity to notice and respond to energetic resonance and how we respond to resonance is quite important. So firstly, as I was saying do we even notice it? What kinds of resonance do we notice? Which ones do we ignore and which do we actually follow On the level of wellness and taking care of our own energy? Energetic resonance is the most vital of all. I would argue that energetic resonance is the most vital of all when it comes to relating with others, one-to-one, in groups, in communities. Other types of resonance only nourish parts of us and only while the conditions pertain, whereas energetic resonance nourishes all of us, regardless of the changing circumstances and conditions. Because, for example, emotional resonance is strongly affected by the conditions and circumstances, as is intellectual, ideological resonance.

Speaker 1:

But for many of us, as I was saying, energetic resonance is the one we least trust and follow, because it's not understandable or explainable. So why might that be? Apart from what I've said already about the fact that we're not encouraged to develop the capacity to even notice it or to follow it, there's also an aspect of energetic resonance has a mystery to it. Because we don't understand it. It seems strange, it seems mysterious. We don't know what might happen to us if we open up to it. For those of us who do practice opening up to that on a regular basis, we have now reached a place where to us it feels very natural and normal. But to those of us who haven't done that it might seem strange and possibly threatening because it falls outside that which we can make sense of rationally with the mind.

Speaker 1:

You may have heard me talking about a workshop I run which is called Pelua. I've had people contact me and say I'm interested in this workshop. Then I've gone back to them and said hey, you said you were interested, do you fancy joining me on the next one? And the other day someone said well, I haven't quite made sense of it and understood it yet. I need to sort of understand it first before I decide whether to come along. And I wrote back and said don't hold your breath, but Pellewa is an energy modality, so that's why I was saying it in this case. I said don't hold your breath. You won't understand it before you do the workshop and even after doing it. You may not understand it rationally or intellectually, but you will have an experience. You will have an energetic experience and if your intuition is telling you to give it a go, and if your intuition is telling you to give it a go, then trust your intuition. And if your intuition is telling you not to, then don't. Or if it's saying, yes, good idea, but not yet follow that.

Speaker 1:

So these energetic resonances sometimes something is impacting us energetically. We know something's going on. We don't know exactly what it is and we may or may not actually enjoy the process of opening up to that and exploring it a bit deeper, but in my opinion that we do well to actually sharpen our noticing of energetic resonance and to follow it and trust it and explore it. In fact, if we look back over our lives, the truth is we have already been doing that throughout our lives to one extent or another. If you look at situations you found yourself in relationships, you found yourself in choices you've made, if you look back, can you see that perhaps some of the most interesting examples of those were an intuitive response that you had to some sort of energetic calling or some sort of energetic resonance that you picked up on, whether consciously or not. If you look back now and consider that, I'm sure that you will find situations like that. Of course, the thing about it is you may have done that and then just forgotten all about it and so now it feels normal. You've forgotten that you really tuned in to the energetic resonance and followed it at that time.

Speaker 1:

We also do well to follow our mental and emotional resonances with great care and pay attention to how well these fully meet us and support us. Because sometimes a mental resonance say, for example, you have a friend where you agree on everything or you agree on the most important things or the things you both think are the most important doesn't necessarily mean you should marry them and move in with them, doesn't necessarily mean they're the right person to go into a business venture with, it doesn't even necessarily mean it's a good idea for you to spend much time with. But it can be seductive because, again, our culture is very, very much cognitively oriented. If we meet someone where there's a strong mental resonance with that person, we can believe and assume from that that therefore this is someone we should really have centrally in our lives, in our inner circle. Now, maybe they are and maybe they're not. So I'm saying let's watch out for those seductive mental resonances and emotional resonances as well. Again, how many times have people ended up in relationships with people because they share a similar trauma history or because they share a similar love of certain music or a certain common emotional response to some aspect of life. And again, sometimes those people are also absolutely right for us and sometimes they're not, but it can be very, very compelling and it's a good idea to really respond to those with care.

Speaker 1:

So my invitation to you for this week coming is to practice noticing energetic resonance and exploring following it. You may find yourself in some magical new places and situations. Thank you for listening. Have a beautiful, beautiful week. Thank you for listening to Truth and Transcendence and thank you for supporting the show by rating, reviewing, subscribing, buying me a coffee and telling a friend. If you'd like to know more about my work, you can find out about mentoring, workshops and energy treatments on beingspaceworld. Have a wonderful week and I'll see you next time.